
Evidence-based policy puts breakfast on the menu

The general election snapped, crackled and popped into life this morning with the Conservative manifesto backing the old adage that ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’.
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Helping social leaders take back control

What kind of training is worth a day of a charity leader’s time? This is the question we at Impetus-PEF asked ourselves when developing the training for the Impact for Growth strand of the Impact Management Programme.
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Chancellor’s only half right on technical education

Philip Hammond has come in for so much stick for his budget that he might be grateful for some faint praise. So here it is: he’s half right on technical education.
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My apprenticeship, in my own words…

To mark National Apprenticeship Week our Policy and Communications Apprentice, Rianna King shares her story. Rianna joined Impetus-PEF in October 2016 and is completing a Level 3 Business Administration Apprenticeship.
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2016 – not all bad!

2016 – not all bad! What’s the first word you think of when you look back on 2016? I can hazard a guess – ‘uncertain’, ‘tumultuous’, maybe ‘historic’, maybe something less polite! But for me the word is ‘inspiring’.
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Getting to know Impact Management

Over three years ago Impetus-PEF took the decision to support charities to get much better at the services they deliver – to master impact management.
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