
Most young people out of work are stuck for the long-term

At the Conservative Party Conference, Impetus held a panel event with the Centre for Social Justice, "The Forgotten Few: why are 1.3 million people still unemployed?" Our Director of Public Affairs, Dr Maria Neophytou, discusses her remarks about the 800,000 young people not in education, employment or training, including the 75% who have been NEET more than 12 months.
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Youth Jobs Gap webinar: Establishing the Employment Gap

In this blog and webinar, Sam Windett, Impetus' Director of Policy, talks through the 1st report in the Youth Jobs Gap series.
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Youth Jobs Gap: How early disadvantage impacts youth employment outcomes

The new report 'Youth Jobs Gap: Establishing the Employment Gap', is the first in the Youth Jobs Gap series. This new NIESR and Impetus report reveals that disadvantaged young people are 50% more likely to be NEET (not in education, employment and training) than better-off peers, irrespective of their qualifications.
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New name, same focus on impact

Today, we've shortened our name to simply ‘Impetus’. The new name reflects where we are now in our journey, and it'll stand us in good stead for future years. Impetus Chair Hanneke Smits reflects on our history.
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Ground control: Breaking through a new frontier in personal budgets

Do people feel more in control of their public services than ten years ago? Director of Policy Samantha Windett takes a look at Reform’s report, "Proceed with caution: What makes personal budgets work?" and reflects on the need to reform personal budgets to provide more young people with education and employment support.
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Cutting university tuition fees could be dangerous for social mobility

The Government’s review of post-18 education and funding is expected to report shortly. It has been widely speculated that the advisory panel led by Philip Augar could recommend sweeping changes, including a cut to tuition fees. Together with the Russell Group and a coalition of social mobility charities, we've released a joint statement on the dangers of a university funding cut.
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