
IntoUniversity & Impetus

The need: Only 26% of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds go to university, compared to 45% of their better-off peers. This means that 14,500 young people miss out on the opportunity each year.

Our charity partner: IntoUniversity runs centres where young people from disadvantaged backgrounds receive support to raise their attainment and aspiration and get the necessary information, advice, and guidance to get into university.

Our impact: During our 17-year partnership, we’ve helped IntoUniversity to access new funding streams and build their strategic capabilities. We’ve supported them to scale into a national network of 44 centres, serving over 50,000 young people each year. Through this growth, they have retained their impact, with 61% of IntoUniversity students progressing to higher education, compared to 44% nationally.

Impetus has been with us since we first became a registered charity – and the partnership has been transformational.

Dr Rachel Carr, CEO, IntoUniversity

Year joined


Investment phase


Income (2022/23)

£11.3 million

Young people supported


Age range




Find out more

In conversation with IntoUniversity's Dr Rachel Carr

IntoUniversity’s founder and CEO describes the impact of the charity’s 16 year partnership with Impetus.
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Widening participation

Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are 40% less likely to go to university than their better off peers. As co-founders of the Fair Access Coalition, and conveners of the Third Sector Forum between the sector and the Office for Students, we work to highlight the needs of disadvantaged groups.
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University access – what's the real story?

Headlines about the declining number of advantaged students going to Oxbridge are distracting from the real state of play in university admissions.
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