The Access Project

The Access Project & Impetus

We have benefitted from our deep relationship with Impetus over many years on our journey from a fledgling charity with a big mission to one with proven impact on students' outcomes.

Impetus has supported the growth of The Access Project through their expert advice and networks and we look forward to building on their expertise further as we move to scale our high impact programme.

With the support and knowledge of the team at Impetus, we are confident we can reach so many more young people and continue to make a significant impact in the critically important area of widening participation interventions.

– Anna Searle, CEO, The Access Project

The need: Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are significantly under-represented at top universities, making up only 6% of the intake.

Our charity partner: The Access Project works with high-potential students from disadvantaged backgrounds, providing tutoring and intensive support including mentoring, practice interviews and networking, to help them get into top universities.

Our impact: With our support, The Access Project has developed an evaluation strategy, secured more than £600,000 of co-investment funding over three years, and strengthened their leadership team, including successfully transitioning between CEOs. The Access Project is now achieving stronger outcomes for the young people they work with, with 67% being accepted to selective universities in 2020/21 compared to 30% when we began working with them in 2014.

Waleed's story

The help I got was beyond anything I expected. It was hard work, it was tiring, but I stuck with it and it was so worth it - from my personal statement to retaking my mocks so I could take the exams I needed to get into course I wanted. Amy, bless her, was there to support me and encourage me to get things done. I would say The Access Project was the number one reason why I got into university.

Read Waleed's story

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Subilo and The Access Project

Subilo shares how the support she received from The Access Project helped her to apply for and attend one of the UK's top universities.
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Widening participation

Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are 40% less likely to go to university than their better off peers. As co-founders of the Fair Access Coalition, and conveners of the Third Sector Forum between the sector and the Office for Students, we work to highlight the needs of disadvantaged groups.
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University access – what's the real story?

Headlines about the declining number of advantaged students going to Oxbridge are distracting from the real state of play in university admissions.
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