Our research shows that young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are twice as likely as their better-off peers to be out of education, employment or training (NEET). There is also clear data showing that young people from ethnic minority backgrounds are disproportionately impacted by unemployment.
Together with Bank of America, Allan & Gill Gray Philanthropy, The Towerbrook Foundation, Bain & Company, The CD&R Foundation and KKR we’re working to close the employment gap faced by young people from ethnic minority backgrounds, particularly black, Bangladeshi and Pakistani young people, in the UK.
The Connect Fund sits within our broader work on race equity and diversity and aims to help decrease the employment gap faced by young people from ethnic minority, disadvantaged backgrounds and promote systemic change towards a more racially equitable society. We do this by:
1. Building and scaling effective, impact-led employment programmes
We're supporting young people from ethnic minority backgrounds to overcome disadvantage and discrimination. So far we have partnered with the following organisations:
2. Delivering a Leadership Academy that helps develop future leaders from ethnic minority backgrounds working within youth organisations
The Impetus Leadership Academy (ILA), supported by Bank of America, is a leadership development programme to support talent from ethnic minority backgrounds in the UK youth sector to progress into senior leadership roles and contribute to the national conversation on issues facing young people from ethnic minority backgrounds in the UK.
In October 2021 we welcomed our first cohort of 12 participants and we've now worked with 36 leaders. Find out more about the ILA here.
3. Convening key stakeholders
We are also convening key stakeholders across Government, employers and donors and sharing new learnings on interventions that can make a big impact.
If you’d like to know more or partner with us on the Connect Fund please contact philanthropy@impetus.org.uk.