News and Views


Are you boring enough to be a charity chief executive?

Charity CEOs need to make hard choices. Do you grow or do you drive impact? Do you work on innovation or implementation? Do you spend on the front line or the back office? CEOs need to make 'boring choices'. CEO Andy Ratcliffe asks 'Are you a #BoringCEO?'
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We need more honesty about our impact

Funders and charities are trapped in a 'don't-ask, don't-tell' relationship on impact that sees successes exaggerated and too much focus on growth. CEO Andy Ratcliffe reflects on how to escape it.
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Impetus-PEF's impact: Five years, four reflections

CEO Andy Ratcliffe uses Impetus-PEF’s 5th anniversary to share four reflections on what we’ve learned along the way. He introduces our latest four impact stories featuring IntoUniversity, The Access Project, Action Tutoring and Resurgo.
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‘Support from the top is key’ – how Inflexion raised over £240,000

Our long-term supporters, Inflexion Private Equity, have raised a record-breaking £240,000 for the Impetus-PEF Private Equity Triathlon, taking place on Saturday 15 September this year. Flor Kassai, a Partner at Inflexion is participating and shares what they’ve learned from the experience with us…
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Professional triathlete Natalie Seymour shares her top five triathlon tips

Professional triathlete, Natalie Seymour, has signed up to the Impetus-PEF Triathlon on Saturday 15 September. In this second in a series of blogs, she shares her top five tips for training in the lead up to our triathlon.
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Thousands of young people are facing an endless cycle of GCSE resits

Our new analysis of GCSE resits has found that thousands of young people are taking English and maths exams for more than the third time. Some even resit as many as nine times.
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