Our team

Adam Alagiah-Glomseth

Investment Director

“Having run an education charity, I really appreciate the approach Impetus takes to working with charities, which is all to rare; forming genuine partnerships over the long term, providing meaningful unrestricted funding and focusing relentlessly on impact. I'm really excited to start working with our partner charities to help improve the lives of the young people they support ”

Akhil Vasudevan

Creative Content Officer

"My previous experience in university settings, justice issues, and the broader education sector has highlighted the importance of strategic approaches in creating opportunities for the youth. Joining the Impetus team allows me to refine and align my skills with a mission that drives meaningful and impactful change."

Athene Jollands

Events Manager

“Since joining Impetus, I have frequently been struck by the exceptional knowledge, skills and determination of my colleagues. So many people are determined to create a fairer future for the next generation, however what sets Impetus staff apart is how they approach this challenge in a strategic and clever way which in turn enables our partner charities to excel and more young people to succeed”

Ayesha Baloch

Senior Policy Advisor

“Young people are the future of the UK and yet, investment in their future through education and youth employment continues to be limited. Particularly in the wake of challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and an ongoing cost of living crisis, Impetus' efficient, evidence-led approach is more crucial than ever. I'm thrilled to be part of such a spirited team, whose work makes a meaningful and visible contribution to people's lives.”

Bea Theakston

Investment Director - School Attainment Lead

"I wanted to be part of Impetus’ mission because I care deeply about the third sector and the impact we can achieve. It’s possible to dramatically change lives by bringing the rights skills, experience, and passion together. Young people, our partner charities, donors and Impetus do just that and its magic to be a part of. "

Ben Brodie

Investment Director

"Working with some of our charities on their response to the Covid-19 crisis was eye-opening – I was so impressed by their understanding of the challenge, restlessness to maintain impact during lockdown, and their focus on ensuring long-term financial sustainability. I loved being able to support such driven teams through such a difficult period."

Ben Gadsby

Head of Policy and Research

“Too many of my friends from school didn’t get the opportunities I did, but the charities Impetus works with are putting that right. I love to hear the inspirational before and after stories from the young people those charities work with. Transformational change is possible.”

Read Ben's blogs.

Camilla Elwood

Investment Manager

“I was drawn to working at Impetus due to the incredible impact that the charities in our portfolio have on young people’s lives. Impetus are at the forefront of supporting some of the most ambitious youth-focused charities in the UK and being able to work with them on capacity building is both fascinating and rewarding..”

Charlie Rainer

Investment Director

"In my first three months at Impetus I was involved in building the first cohort of the Impetus Leadership Academy – it’s a special feeling to be part of that team investing and developing incredible and inspiring people, all relentlessly working to improve the lives of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. From top to bottom, Impetus is full of thoughtful, critical and purpose-driven people working towards a common goal. There’s nowhere else like it!"

Chiku Bernardi

Deputy Portfolio Director

“At our team away day we held some success and failure awards – which were both hilarious and poignant. It felt great to see everyone in crazy wigs, cheering each other on. We hit gold every time we mix our robust and driven culture with caring and fun.”

Claudia R. Knights

Development Director

When I volunteered with one of our charities at an East London school, I saw that they had made a remarkable difference to young people - improving their grades at school and future aspirations. The charity was clear: they increased their impact by working with Impetus. This has given me confidence that the money I raise from donors really is a great investment.

Chloe Tye

Investment Manager

“Having spent the last five years working in social investment, I’ve always been driven to work in social justice. The brilliant thing about Impetus is the commitment of everyone to work together to dismantle the systemic inequality facing young people from less advantaged backgrounds. It is so exciting to be able to support amazing charities who are striving for young people to be given the same life opportunities regardless of the barriers they are facing.”

Daniel Barker

Development Director

"At Impetus we're lucky enough to work with a lot of people who care deeply about making things better - who want to improve lives and create opportunities, to make society fairer. What I find inspiring is that we know we have the tools to achieve that, to translate those good intentions into real change and deliver on our mission."

Danny Swift

Investment Director

“Impetus’ commitment to improving how charities use evidence – whether that’s for continuous improvement of their delivery; to inform strategic decisions; or to hold themselves to account to partners and funders – is one I share passionately. I’ve experienced first-hand the combination of support and challenge that Impetus provides to charities and their leaders, and I’m driven to play this role with my partner charities, to improve the lives of the young people they work with.

Georgia Brown

Investment Manager

I strongly believe that those with the broadest shoulders should bear the most weight. I’m proud to work for an organisation that exists to capacity build high potential charities to enhance their impact, in order to better serve children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. Understanding from both personal and professional experience how invaluable that support can be is what drives me to keep giving my best and support my team to do so as well.”

Heather Poel

Head of Engagement

“Coming from a small education charity working with young people, I was truly inspired by the incredible work that Impetus do to support such a diverse range of charities, each uniquely helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to succeed. Since joining I’ve been struck by how passionate and intelligent everyone is and I’m looking forward to being part of such a great team driving for change.”

Irfan Umarji

Director of Finance and Operations

"Having spent over a decade working in the charity sector and many more years volunteering within both the youth and education sectors, I felt Impetus was a place where both my passions and career could meet. We’re all here to make a real difference in young people’s lives by being the driving force behind great charities and helping them deliver the right support to more young people in a truly unique and impactful way."

Isabella Royds

Senior Philanthropy Officer

“In my previous role as a teacher, I saw first-hand the inequalities and barriers young people from disadvantaged backgrounds face. It is exciting to now be part of a highly motivated team which is tackling these inequalities head on by finding, building and supporting great charities with interventions that work..”

Jake Farrell

Investment Director

“Earlier in my career I worked for a charity that was part of the Impetus portfolio and I saw first hand the transformative affect that support from the team can have. I’m inspired to try and give other charities the same incredible help that I received and to work with such impactful and thoughtful organisations.”

James Gubb

Investment Director

“The big thing I learnt from running a social enterprise prior to joining Impetus is that for a charity to have long-lasting impact on a young person’s life it’s not enough to have a good heart or a great programme; it requires constant self-reflection, dispassionate awareness of performance and making seriously tough decisions day-in, day-out. What I love is that Impetus has the guts to challenge charities to do so, constantly asking the difficult questions and encouraging those in our portfolio to do better and better... and they tell us it’s working!

Joshua Kerrigan

Senior Data and Performance Analyst

“Having worked in schools with young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in the past and volunteering with free football coaching in the local community currently, I felt that Impetus' mission to transform the lives of young people really aligned with mine.

Since joining here, I have been amazed by the commitment and compassion of the whole team and the way that Impetus empowers charity partners to making a real difference in the lives of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds."

Katherine Holdway

Human Resources and Learning Manager

“Within a few weeks of joining Impetus I got the opportunity to attend the annual Transforming Lives Dinner, it was great to see the way all staff came together to ensure the event was a success. More importantly, it was inspiring to see the young people that Impetus helps. Watching their personal journeys in the Impetus 2018 film really highlighted the importance of our work and made me feel proud and excited to have joined an organisation that is committed to making a real difference to young people’s lives.”

Kerry Greaves

Head of Events

“From my very first day at Impetus, the drive to reach as many young people as possible through our charity partners was clear. Small pockets of great practice are not enough. All young people are deserving of the chance to succeed, no matter the barriers they face. The Impetus model is unique in its ability to do that. I am proud to be part of such a dedicated team of people.”

Miki Dryja

Philanthropy Officer

"Within my first few days at Impetus, I attended a workshop that one of our donors was hosting and it was incredible to see such a buzz in the room. Everyone gave their all to the day and the young people left with a real sense of being able to achieve anything. It was amazing to be a part of and I love being able to share these moments with our donors and charity partners."

Myung Jin

Digital Communications Officer

"My goal is for equality to be brought about in our society. Providing opportunities for, and access to, education for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds is crucial for a fairer, more equal society - Impetus is driving the structural changes needed to make this vision a reality."

Nayaab Sattar

Head of Engagement

"‘Working with a team of such dedicated and passionate individuals is truly inspirational and I feel blessed to be in a team that strives towards enabling young people to be their best selves despite some of the challenges. I love being able to share the opportunity of impacting the lives of young people through volunteering, working with our donors and charity partners alike!.

Nicola Robbins

Head of Communications

“Having spent a number of years as a school governor I know how important it is that all young people are supported to get the best start in life. The work that Impetus does is vital and lifechanging, and I am excited about being able to use my skills to help brilliant charities transform young lives..

Nia Simpson

Events Officer

I have always been keen to help young people and give back. Here at Impetus, I have been able to do that. Whether it has been indirectly with our events or directly through engagement opportunities, I've loved interacting with and supporting the young people we serve. To do this as part of such a supportive and driven team has been great!

Phoenix Huntley

Engagement Officer

"As someone who has came from a background which was less than ideal - I knew I wanted to make a difference. The charities that Impetus works with align with how I would like to see people who were in my shoes to be helped, including some which provide therapeutic approaches."

Rob Mitchell

Director of Digital and Information

"Impetus is a great marriage of the passion and dedication you would expect from an organisation working to transform the lives of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds with the focus on genuine and measurable impact that an evidence-based approach can yield. The proof is in the results achieved by our charity partners, and I'm happy to be working in an organisation punching above its weight by leveraging the best possible interventions by these partners with our own influencing and leadership-building work."

Robin Lanfear

Senior Communications Manager

"Having joined from one of Impetus' charity partners, I know first-hand how a charity can benefit from Impetus' support. One of my favourite experiences there was an Impetus Driving Impact Workshop, when the whole organisation came together to agree how we could better reach the young people we existed to serve. We left that workshop inspired and confident in how we could transform the lives of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds."

Rosemary Hurford

Senior Philanthropy and Partnerships Manager

"I loved visiting a Charity partner where I met a classroom of 10 year olds full of excitement to learn about going to university. Each child was filled with confidence that they could achieve anything. These real-life outcomes are front and centre of the Impetus model. I know I’m part of an organisation that has a crystal-clear focus on irrevocably transforming the lives of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds."

Roy McDowall

Finance and Operations Assistant

"I was initially interested in the finance role advertised, but when I viewed the Impetus website to find out more on the organisation, I was drawn to the commitment and mission Impetus has to ensuring children from disadvantaged backgrounds receive support in school, work and life to transform their lives and get the same chances as their better off peers. I believe all children/young people should have the chance of a good education and support and it is clear Impetus strive to do this with a very friendly and knowledgeable staff. My working background has mainly been in the private sector, so this is the first charity I have worked for and really enjoying it."

Sebastien Ergas

Portfolio Director

Ending a first meeting with a potential charity partner and saying to myself ‘this Chief Exec takes nothing for granted, is very reflective about her charity's impact and is open about her leadership challenges' – that, was a very exciting moment, and the start of a great partnership.

Sherrine Ricketts


“I choose to work for Impetus for the impact they have on charities for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and provide a gateway to help grow communities."

Sonal Shenai

Investment Director

"Every young person deserves the chance to fulfil their potential. Our charity partners strive to support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to succeed in school and life. It’s a privilege to work with such dedicated charity teams and see more young people achieve their dreams, particularly in such unprecedented times."

Sophie Manning

Investment Director

"I could see from day one that everything Impetus does is done thoughtfully and with integrity. Charity leaders are incredible, determined people and each one deserves expert, personalised support. Each time we provide that, we know that represents several hundred young people’s stories of injustice and system failure turned around."

Steve Haines

Director of Public Affairs

"Supporting charities to find what works and taking their impact to scale is more vital than ever in tackling the barriers that hold back too many young people.

"Impetus and our partners are uniquely placed to take those voices to power and achieve lasting change.”

Tamara Baleanu

Investment Director – School Engagement Lead

"Witnessing a charity leader's light bulb moment is exhilarating, whether it's to do with using data to improve the outcomes of their young people or developing a new five-year strategy for their organisation. It's such a privilege to get to play a part in it."
