Empire Fighting Chance

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Empire Fighting Chance & Impetus

I'm really excited about our partnership with Impetus. We think it will allow us to take our impact measurement to a different level, meaning that our work will be better, and make a bigger difference to a bigger cohort of young people. 

– Martin Bisp, CEO, Empire Fighting Chance 

The need: Children from disadvantaged backgrounds are 3.7 times more likely to be excluded from school than other young people. And of those who are excluded, fewer than 5% get the English and maths GCSEs that will help them achieve meaningful job outcomes later in life. This issue is particularly pronounced in Bristol where there is a suspension rate of over 8% - double the national average – and where almost 30% of young people are eligible for Free School Meals.

Our portfolio partner: Empire Fighting Chance is a leading sport for development charity fighting the impact of inequality on young people’s lives. Using a powerful combination of non-contact boxing and intensive personal support through coaches and therapists, they give young people the skills, knowledge and inspiration they need to make positive changes to how they think and behave, and to improve their lives.

Our impact: Impetus is working with the organisation to enable its growth by strengthening their programmes and defining the right level of support that young people should receive. We will also support them to refine exactly who they’re trying to reach, and measure outcomes around school engagement.

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Educational attainment

Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are 40% less likely pass English and maths GCSEs than their better off peers. We’re focussed on supporting young people to develop social and emotional skills; championing tutoring; and shining a light on chronically underserved young people excluded from school pass English and maths GCSEs, compared with 69% of all other pupils. With the right support, we can make life after school fairer.
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Engage Fund

We’re tackling the rising number of school exclusions and improving outcomes for young people in alternative provision (AP) in England.
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