Generation UK

Generation UK & Impetus

The need: Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are twice as likely to be out of education, employment, or training (NEET) than their better-off peers. There is also clear data showing that ethnic minority young people are disproportionately impacted by unemployment.

Our ppartner: Generation UK’s programme combines the technical skills demanded by employers, the wraparound support that young people from disadvantaged backgrounds need, and exceptional employer links to get young people into employment. They deliver skills bootcamps in a range of professions in technology, healthcare, and the green economy. In 2023, 70% of the young people on Generation UK programmes were from ethnic minority backgrounds.

Our Impact: We are supporting Generation UK to lay the groundwork to scale with impact, primarily by bringing focus to who they work with and the outcomes they aim for, and then developing a strategy that invests in delivering impact and growth.

Impetus and Generation are clearly very mission aligned, and so for us this was always a partnership that we hoped to launch and grow. Both organisations also share a commitment to understand impact at a deep level, using data and learner feedback to improve, innovate, and scale. We look forward to working closely together on all of those fronts and hope to change many more lives in doing so.

Michael Houlihan, CEO, Generation UK

Year joined
Year joined
Investment phase
Investment phase 
Income (2023)
£4.7 million
Young people supported
Young people supported
Age range
Age range


Find out more

Sustained employment

Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are twice as likely to be not in employment, education, or training (NEET) as their better of peers. As co-chairs of the Youth Employment Group, we work to ensure these young people are not forgotten through the ups and downs of the economy.
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Connect Fund

We’re working to close the employment gap faced by young people from ethnic minority backgrounds.
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Grant round: Youth employment and race equity

We are no longer accepting applications for this grant round.
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