Olive Academies

Olive academies

Olive Academies & Impetus

The need: Only around 5% of young people who sit their GCSEs in alternative provision (AP) pass English and maths compared to 67% of pupils in mainstream schools.

Our portfolio partner: Olive Academies Trust runs five AP schools across London and East England, as well as Olive Outreach, an exclusion-prevention programme delivered to students still in mainstream schools. They focus on providing pupils with creative, nurturing, and inspiring learning opportunities which re-engage them in learning and transform their lives. They also use their significant expertise to support local and national policymakers in decision-making on AP.

Our impact: Olive have achieved impressive growth alongside consistently high standards – as attested by strong Ofsted gradings and attainment and destinations results. They are considered one of the highest performing trusts in AP, providing a strong platform to explore further growth and improve outcomes for even more of the most at-risk young people in society. This year, we have worked with Olive on strategy development and supported them to grow their capacity on data and impact.

Our partnership with Impetus has enabled the Trust to move forwards in a more creative and dynamic way. It has opened the door to an invaluable network of professionals who together are providing effective solutions to change the lives of some of the country's most disadvantaged children and young people.

Mark Vickers MBE, CEO, Olive Academies Trust

Year joined
Year joined
Investment phase
Investment phase 
Income (2022/23)
£8.5 million
Young people supported
Young people supported
Age range
Age range

Cambridge; Havering; Suffolk; Thurrock

Find out more

Engage Fund

We’re tackling the rising number of school exclusions and improving outcomes for young people in alternative provision (AP) in England.
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Educational attainment

Only 43% of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds pass English and maths GCSEs, compared to 73% of their better off peers. This attainment gap is one of the most persistent challenges facing the English education sector, and it’s only grown since the pandemic. But we believe that with the right support, all young people can succeed.
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Impetus launches £3m 'Engage Fund' to tackle school exclusions

New partnership with The Henry Smith Charity to back charities tackling school exclusions
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