School of Hard Knocks

School of Hard Knocks & Impetus

The need: Suspensions have risen by 80 per cent compared to pre-pandemic levels, while persistent absence and severe absence rates are at record highs. Teachers are increasingly looking for interventions to support children, reduce exclusions, and improve attendance.

Our portfolio partner: School of Hard Knocks (SOHK) empowers young people living in complex and challenging situations to fully realise their potential. Working with children at risk of exclusion and disengagement, SOHK delivers a holistic programme to drive improved attendance and reduce suspensions and exclusions. The programme combines high-impact rugby sessions, group social and emotional learning sessions, and one-to-one mentoring - all with a focus on building long-term trusted adult relationships.

Our impact: Through our Driving Impact workshops, SOHK decided to focus their delivery exclusively on young people, reaching them with interventions before challenges become entrenched. They have correspondingly restructured their senior management team to support this upstream work in schools and are beginning an intensive pro bono strategy project to plan for expansion across England, Scotland, and Wales.

We are genuinely excited to have been added to the portfolio of amazing charities that Impetus support. And support really is the word: it’s still very early days but I have already felt the positive impact of the many helpful conversations I have had with Impetus colleagues and long may that continue.

Ken Cowen, CEO, School of Hard Knocks

Year joined
Year joined
Investment phase
Investment phase 
Income (2023/24)
£1.5 million
Young people supported
Young people supported
Age range
Age range

Hertfordshire; London; Scotland; Wales

Find out more

Educational attainment

Only 43% of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds pass English and maths GCSEs, compared to 73% of their better off peers. This attainment gap is one of the most persistent challenges facing the English education sector, and it’s only grown since the pandemic. But we believe that with the right support, all young people can succeed.
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Engage Fund

We’re tackling the rising number of school exclusions and improving outcomes for young people in alternative provision (AP) in England.
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